
An effort to create a
state of art institution
for AI study and

A disciplined and structured approach to learning and implementing the fundamentals of AIML.


TSAI provides a profound understanding of AI for Visual Comprehension and NLP Problems

through bleeding edge concepts, and an amazing peer group to learn with.


Three unique and challenging semester-style programs

Through ERA, EVA, END and EPAi, TSAI has trained more than 7000 students!

Details - Extensive & Reimagined AI Program

ERA - V3

ERA ushers in a new era of AI learning, where our top two courses seamlessly converge, evolving into a comprehensive, cutting-edge program that renders their predecessors obsolete.

Our ERA V3 course is a fusion of our most successful offerings: EVA (Extensive Vision AI), END (Extensive NLP via Deep Learning), key sessions from EMLO (Extensive Machine Learning Ops) and learnings from ERA V1. With an updated curriculum covering both vision and NLP topics as well as machine learning operations, you will not only learn the latest AI techniques but also gain practical experience in developing applications and deploying them on the cloud.

Immerse yourself in the world of advanced AI as you master and train state-of-the-art models such as ResNet, YOLO, BERT, CLIP, Stable Diffusion, RL & ChatGPT.

ERA V2's enrollments have just concluded. Classes started from 20th Jan 2024 and the course will end by August

ERA V3 will start sometime in mid-September 2024. Please subscribe here to be notified in time.


Lecture Title
Fundamentals of AI
Exploring Neural Network Architectures
Git and Python Essentials
Building the first neural networks
Introduction to PyTorch
Backpropagation and Advanced Architectures
In-Depth Coding Practice
Batch Normalization & Regularization
Advanced Convolutions, Data Augmentation and visualization
Residual Connections in CNNs and One Cycle Policy
Class Activation Maps, LRs, and Optimizers
PyTorch Lightning and AI Application Development
Training and Scaling on AWS in budget!
YOLO and Object Detection Techniques
Introduction to Transformers - Part I

Stage #2

Lecture Title
Introduction to Transformers - Part II
Transformer Architectures and how to speed them up
BERT, GPT, and ViT
UNETs, Variational AutoEncoders, and Applications
CLIP Models and trainingĀ them
Generative Art and Stable Diffusion
GPT and Beyond
Training a Transformer from Scratch
Reinforcement Learning Part I
Reinforcement Learning Part II
LoRA, Quantization, and Fine Tuning LLMs
Training ChatGPT from Scratch
Training Multimodel GPTs
Capstone Project

Download the full course syllabus here.

Details - EPAi

Extensive Python & PyTorch for AI - V5

An advanced Python course for fundamental understanding of Python Language and the PyTorch library. Designed for those who want to become application and ML Architects.

This course is not for the beginners. Take this sample test to see what would you be learning.

Registrations are closing on 27th May!


Lecture Title
Basics: Python Type Hierarchy, Multi-line statements and strings, Variable Names, Conditionals, Functions, The While Loop, Break Continue and the Try Statement, The For Loop and Classes
Object Mutability and Interning: Variables and Memory References, Garbage Collection, Dynamic vs static Typing, Variable Re-assignment, Object Mutability, Variable Equality, Everything is an Object and Python Interning
Numeric Types I: Integers, Constructors, Bases, Rational Numbers, Floats, rounding, Coercing to Integers and equality
Numeric Types II: Decimals, Decimal Operations, Decimal Performance, Complex Numbers, Booleans, Boolean Precedence and Comparison Operators
Functional Parameters: Argument vs Parameter, Positional and keyword Arguments, Unpacking Iterables, Extended Unpacking, __*args_, Keyword Arguments, __**kwags_, Args and Kwargs together, Parameter Defaults and Application
First Class Functions Part I: Lambda Expressions, Lambdas and Sorting, Functional Introspection, Callables, Map, Filter, Zip and List Comprehension
First Class Functions Part II: List Comprehension, Reducing functions, Partial Functions, Operator Module, Docstrings and Annotations.
Scopes and Closures: Global and Local Scopes, Nonlocal scopes, Closures, and Closure Applications
Decorators: Decorators and Decorator applications (timers, logger, stacked decorators, memoization, decorator class and dispatching)
Tuples and Named Tuples: Tuples, Tuples as data structures, named Tuples, DocStrings, and Application
Modules, Packages and Namespaces: Module, Python Imports, importlib, import variants, reloading modules, __main__, packages, structuring, and namespaces
fStrings, Timing Functions and Command Line Arguments: Dictionary Ordering, kwargs, tuples, fStrings, Timing Functions and Command Line Arguments
Sequence Types I: Sequence Types, Mutable Sequence Types, List vs Tuples, Index Base and Slice Bounds, Copying Sequence and Slicing
Sequence Types II and Advanced List Comprehension: Custom Sequences, In-place Concatenation and Repetition, Sorting Sequences, List Comprehensions + Small Project
Iterables and Iterators: Iterating Collections, Iterators, Iterables, Cyclic Iterators, in-built Iterators, iter() function and iterator applications
Generators and Iteration Tools: Yielding and Generator Functions, Generator Expressions, Yield From, Aggregators, Chaining and Teeing, Zipping and their applications
Context Managers: Context Managers, Lasy Iterators, Generators and Context Managers, Nested Context Managers and their application
Data Pipelines: Data Pipeline and application

Phase #2 - OOPS & PYTORCH

Lecture Title
Hash Maps and Dictionaries: Associative Arrays, Hash Maps, Hash Functions, Dictionary Views, Handling Dictionaries and Custom Classes
Sets and Serialized Dictionaries: Set Theory, Python Sets, Frozen Sets, and Set Applications, DefaultDict, OrderedDict, Counters and UserDict
Serialization and Deserialization: Picking, JSON Serialization, Encoding and Decoding JSON, and Applications
Classes Part I: Object and Classes, Attributes, Callables, Functional Attributes and Run-time attributes
Classes Part II + DataClasses: Properties, Decorators, Read-Only Properties, Class and Static Methods, Scopes, Dataclasses and Application
Polymorphism and Special Methods: Polymorhpism, __str__ and __repr__ methods, rich comparisons, hashing and equality, callables, and applications
Single Inheritance: Single Inheritance, Object Class, Overriding, Extending, Delegation, Slots, and applications
Descriptors: Descriptors, Getters and Setters, Instance Properties, Strong and Weak References, __set_name__ method, Proprty Lookup Resolution and application
Enumerations and Exceptions: Enumerations, Aliases, Custom Enums, Python Exceptions, Handling and Raising Exceptions and creating custom exceptions
Pytorch Basics I : Matrices, Tensors, Variables, Numpy and PyTorch inter-operability, Rank, Axes and Shapes
PyTorch Basics II: Data and Dataloader, Forward Method, Training Loop and Training Pipeline
PyTorch Intermediate I + Pytorch Internals:PyTorch Classes, Containers, Layers and Activations. PyTorch Internals or how Pytorch uses Advanced Python internally
PyTorch Intermediate II: Distance and Basic Loss Functions, Utilities, Profiling Layers, MACs/FLOPs calculations and Memory Usage
PyTorch Advanced I: Convolution Algorithm Implementation, Autograd Mechanics and Dynamic Computation Graph
PyTorch Advanced II: Optimizers, Custom Dataloaders, Tensorboard Integration, Memory Management and Half Precision Training
PyTorch Advanced III: Advanced Loss Functions for GAN, Kullback Lieber, Embeddings, Focal, IoU, Perceptual, CTC, Triplet and DICE

Course Feedback

Feedback from Phase 1 students moving to Phase 2
Initially i thought it would be just like all other python course, i joined just thinking i might learn few things more.. but as session progressed i was like.. okay i dont know python.. amazing sessions and course content
A very in depth course and excellent concepts
I really liked the course content. I never learnt python in this much depth. Now I can say that I am a python developer šŸ˜Š
Slightly hectic, when it comes to assignment submission.More days(atleast week time should be given for assignment submission)
Has helped me know about intricate things on python
Course content is good and in depth which makes it easy to understand for anyone
Seriously EPAi one of the best Intermediate Python Courses that I have taken up. In-depth Content, Fun-To-Do Assignments, what else do I need?
Honestly i learned a lot from this course.. Course contents are really good and covered in depth which i really liked.
It is really awesome course !!! Good in-depth sessions.
For me course really helped a lot. Got to learn many new things.
Course is well structure but would request for more time for the assignment submissions. Like other courses a week should be good in my opinion.
Excellent stuff
Very nice course I learned a lot
The course content is very well structured and assignments are also top notch
Excellent course
This course is extremely unique. Not surprised as it's from TSAI. My overall experience with TSAI has been amazing ever since.
Hits the very core foundation of important concepts
One of the best courses I have ever attended
Good course content, too fast pace, challenging assignments
Gives in depth knowledge about the design and working behaviour of python
Advanced course in python which teaches CI/CD as an extra practice.
It's very good
Its great course for Advance Pythons for AI
good platform to explore so many new concepts
In-depth understanding of python for writing optimized, error-free and modular codes. Creating our own packages and module.
Course content is good and touching the deep roots of python
The course is very useful for me, I have not seen a course with this good content online.
its beautiful
Awesome, worth it
I think it's a very exhaustive course and is really going to be useful for my career.

Instructor Feedback

Feedback from Phase 1 students moving to Phase 2
I joined because you were teaching
Take a bow
What can I say, he is the best person to teach this course
Too good
Rohan is an amazing instructor and makes every attempt to clarify things
One of the best instructor and influencer i have seen in my life.
Fabulous. Please take some more courses like this - C++, Javascript.
When i think of Rohan, I see dedication, commitment and discipline. when i look back i see much change in me. Thank you very much Rohan.
Good as always
Instructor is awesome like always!
Class apart
Good hardworking
Extremely knowledgeable and experienced. Honoured to have such a mentor
Knowledgeable, explains even the tiniest detail
Rohan is very very very knowledgeable. And more than that, he is an awesome and inspirational teacher. He knows the issues that the students might face and keep his content and hands on session based on these factors.
Man! No comments!
Perfect to describe in one word and easily one of the best teachers I have studied under in my life yet
expert in python
One of the finest instructor from whom I have taken the course
He gives great insight into topic taken
Excellent & Has lot of passion & patience
He is well knowledge in the topics
Rohan has ability to deliver complex concepts in a nice and simple yet powerful way.
Rohan is awesome.
Rohan is exceptional.
cant get better
I don't think it can get better than Rohan. Its his humble nature and passion that he brings to each class that drives me.
Details - EMLO 3.0

Extensive Machine Learning devOperations - V3

A cutting-edge course for mastering the art of managing and deploying machine learning models at scale.

This course is not for the beginners.

Registrations are opening soon!


Lecture Title
Introduction to MLOps; Best practices and tools for managing, deploying, and maintaining ML models.
Docker - I; Creating Docker containers from scratch and understanding core concepts.
Docker - II; Introduction to Docker Compose for deploying ML applications.
PyTorch Lightning and Project Setup; High-performance training and deployment using PyTorch Lightning.
Data Version Control (DVC); Managing ML data and models using DVC.
Experiment Tracking; Using Tensorboard, MLFlow, and Hydra for experiment tracking and configuration.
HyperParameter Optimization; Techniques using Optuna and Bayesian Optimization.
Deployment for Demos - Gradio; Creating and sharing ML model demos using Gradio.
AWS CrashCourse; Covering EC2, S3, ECS, ECR, and Fargate for ML model deployment.
Model Deployment with FastAPI; Deploying ML models using FastAPI.
Deploying CLIP; CLIP-as-a-Service with caching on Redis and gRPC endpoints.
Model Deployment on Serverless; Introduction to AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions.
Model Deployment with TorchServe; Deploying ML models using TorchServe.
Model Runtime in Browser; Running ML models in the browser.
Model Explainability; XAI techniques such as SHAP and LIME
Kubernetes - I; Introduction to Kubernetes and its key concepts.
Kubernetes - II; Monitoring and configuring Kubernetes clusters for ML workloads.
Deploying Models on a Cluster; Using KServe for deploying ML models on Kubernetes.
CI/CD Pipeline - I; Preprocessing, training, and model packaging in CI/CD pipelines.
CI/CD Pipeline - II; Model registration and deployment for staging and production.
CI/CD Pipeline - III; Connecting the pipeline to a code repository for auto-training and deployment.
Auto Scaling Deployment and Stress Testing; Techniques for auto-scaling and stress testing.
Model Monitoring and Alerting; Using Grafana and Prometheus for monitoring and alerting.
Fine Tuning and Deploying Stable Diffusion; Using DreamBooth for fine-tuning and deployment.
Model Performance Optimization; Techniques such as FP16 CUDA_HALF, INT8 Quantization, CUDA AMP, Tritd>Server, and TensorRT.
Fine Tuning and Deploying LLMs; Using FSDP, PEFT, and LoRA for fine-tuning and deployment.
Deploying Chat with LLM; Deploying a chat instruction-tuned LLM for conversation.
Connecting LLMs with External Data; Augmenting LLMs with external data using in-context learning and data indexing.
Capstone - I; Develop and deploy an end-to-end MLOps pipeline as a final project.
Capstone - II; Conclusion of the final project and course.

Download the full course syllabus here.

Details - EVA [OBSOLETE and not offered anymore!] Merged with ERA

Extensive Vision AI Program

Rise of the Transformers

EVA was the most exhaustive and updated Deep Vision Program in the world! It was spread over three semester-style phases, each restricted by a qualifying exam. It has now been merged into ERA.

Phase #1

Fundamentals of DNNs & Transformes
1: Background & Basics: Machine Learning Intuition
1.5: Python: Python 101 for Machine Learning (Handson [HO] 1)
2: Neural Architecture: Convolutions, Pooling Operations & Channels
2.5: PyTorch & Lightning: PyTorch 101 for Vision Machine Learning [HO2]
3: First Neural Network: Kernels, Activations, and Layers
4: Architectural Basics: Building blocks of DNNs
5: Coding Drill Down: We go through 9 model iterations together, step-by-step to find the final architecture [HO3]
6: Mathematical Foundation: For ML & Backpropagation [HO4]
7: Advanced Convolutions & Augmentation: Introduction to Advanced Conv Concepts & Albumentations LIbrary
8: RFs & Attention: RFs & Attention is all you need!
9: Advanced Training & LRs: Class Activation Maps, Optimizers, LR Schedules, LR Finder & One Cycle Policy
10: Super Convergence: Training Models at lightning speed [HO5]
11: Transformers : Deepdive Coding into Transformers [HO6]
12: ViT: Vision Transformers
13: YOLO Part 1: Object Detection (Data Collection and Processing)
14: YOLO Part 2: Training an Object Detector [HO7]
15: Capstone: Your turn now! Qualifying Exam for Phase 2

Phase #2

Phase #2 - Transformers & Stable Diffusion
16: Transformers and Attention Refresher (HandsOn 8)
17: Attention and its Types
18: Vision Transformers Part 1
19: Vision Transformers - ViT Part 2 (HandsOn 9)
20: Self-Distillation and Self-Supervised Vision Transformers
21: Introduction to Embedding and Language Models
22: Language Model via Transformers (HandsOn 10)
23: Advanced Concepts in Training Transformers (HandsOn 11)
24: Semantic Segmentation
25: Generative Adversarial Networks (HandsOn 12)
26: Variational AutoEncoders & Mathematics
27: VAE, its types, and Training (HandsOn 13)
28: CLIP & Other Advanced Training Concepts (HandsOn 14)
29: Generative AI and Stable Diffusion
30: Capstone Project

Phase #3

Phase #3 - Applications
31: Model Quantization & Training Part 1
32: Model Quantization & Training Part 2
33: Optical Character Recognition
34: Depth Estimation
35: Image Deblurring, Denoising & Enhancement
36: Image Super Resolution
37: Video Super Resolution
38: Pose Estimation
39: Face Recognition
40: Understanding Audio for DNNs
41: Audio Classification & Noise Removal
42: Speech Enhancement & Separation
43: Automatic Speech Recognition
44: Beam Search for STT & NLP
45: Capstone Project Speech Stable Diffusion!
Bottom Topics will soon be moved to another course on Reinforcement learning
Reinforcement Learning Basics: Markov Decision Processes, Deterministic, and Stochastic Environments & Bellman Equation
Q-Learning: Q-Learning, Plan vs Policy Networks, and Environment Models
Deep Q-Learning & DeepTraffic: Custom Environments, OpenGym, Exploration vs Exploitation, and improvements to DQN
Deep Reinforcement Learning: Policy Gradients, Dynamic Programming, Policy Evaluations, and Temporal Difference Learning
Actor-Critic Models: Memory Structures, Gibbs Softmax, Eligibility Traces, and Polyak Averaging
A3C Models: A3C, A3C optimizations, and implementation logic
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients: DDPG Background, Off-Policy Networks, Continuous Action Spaces, and Replay Buffers
Twin Delayed DDPG Part 1: Clipped Double-Q Learning, Delayed Policy Updates, and Target Policy Smoothing
Twin Delayed DDPG Part 2: Full TD3 implementation to make a robot walk, and solve a custom environment
Autonomous Robotics Introduction: Introduction to ARI platform, and its control systems. Real Robot we mean!
Sensor Fusion for Localization: Sensor fusion, depth estimation, and stereo imaging for robotic localization
3D Environmental Reconstruction Part 1: Solving 3D mapping for static environment
3D Environmental Reconstruction Part 2: Solving 3D mapping for dynamic (moving) objects in the static environment
3D Environmental Reconstruction Part 3: Solving 3D mapping for dynamic objects in a dynamic environment
Advanced Path planning, and Navigation: A*, and other Path planning, and algorithms
EndGame: CapStone project to implement everything we learned
The later part of this course's topics are inspired from Udacity Nanodegree but only just the topics, not its contents. We would be implementing these on a real robot, without ROS, and using TD3, not DQN as in Udacity
Details - END [OBSOLETE and not offered anymore!] Merged with ERA

Extensive NLP via Deep Models

GPT3 or the END of traditional NLP as we know it!

In our flagship NLP program, we had ditch RNN/LSTMS and other recurrent networks completely, and focused fully on Transformers. After covering the basics of Neural Networks, we focused on Attention is All you need then covering advanced transformers like BERT, BART, ending with Retrieval Augmented Generation.

The world since last year moved on, and so has END. END is now merged with ERA.

PHASE #1 - Transformers

Lecture Title
Background and Basics of Modern NLP
From Embeddings to Language Models
Advanced Python for General Computing & NLP
PyTorch for NLP
RNNs are dead and their Renewed Relevance
GRUs, Seq2Seq and Attention Mechanism
HandsOn Training 1
Deep NLP using Convolutions
HandsOn Training 2
Attention and Memory in Deep NLP
HandsOn Training 3
Transformers with Linear Attention
HandsOn Training 4
GloVe, Memory Networks and Recap
Infinity Capstone Project

Phase #2 - GPT

Lecture Title
Transformers and Attention Mechanism - Overview
Reformer: the efficient transformer
Bi-Directional Transformers
Document Level Models & Contextual Representations
GPT1 & Models of Dialog
GPT1 Coding & Practice
Building and training GPT2 and BERT
GPT2 and BERT Coding & Practice
GPT3 Deep Dive: Part 1 Architecture & Preprocessing
GPT3 Deep Dive: Part 2 Training
GPT3 Coding & Practice 1
GPT3 Coding & Practice 2
GPT3 Coding & Practice 3
Advanced NLP Over the Edge
Endgame Capstone Project

Subscribe to stay updated!

Subscribe to learn about future courses and TSAI updates.

Currently registrations status:

ERA V3 - Registrations will open in September. Please subscribe to be notified in time.

EMLO3 - Extensive MLOps Course - Registrations will open soon!

EPAi5 - Python & Pytorch for AI Course - Registrations are closing on 27th May